Saturday 31 August 2013

Binary Options “ZERO RISK” Strategy

BetonMarkets offer 4 types of trades:
  1. Rise/Fall: The usual binary option trades where you have to predict whether the market will be up or down from the current level at the expiry time.
  2. High/Low: This is similar to Rise/Fall Bets except you yourself get to select the barrier instead of the default current level. The return profit percentage is adjusted according to the selected barrier and expiry time.
  3. Touch/No Touch: Here, you have to predict whether the market will touch or not touch the selected barrier before the expiry time. Again, you yourself get to select the barrier. The return profit percentage is adjusted according to the selected barrier and expiry time.
  4. In/Out: This has 2 variations:
  • Stays Between/Goes Outside: Predict whether the market will remain between or go outside the selected Low and High Barriers before the expiry time.
  • End Between/Outside: Predict whether the market will be between or outside the selected Low and High Barriers at the expiry time.
BetonMarkets has four type of assets – Forex, Commodities, Indices and Random Indices. Random Indices are their own version of indices based on randomly generated numbers. Although, they can be profitable, they are highly unpredictable and I dont really prefer to use them for my strategy.
For Forex, the minimum expiry time for High/Low, Touch/No Touch and In/Out options is 1 day i.e. if I place a trade today, it will expire tomorrow at 23:59:59 GMT. For Indices and Commodities, it is 7 days.
This is the reason why I prefer to trade with Forex because my strategy concentrates on daily targets. Also, for my strategy, I will be concentrating more on Touch options.
Another important feature of BetonMarkets is the ability to Sell the trade prematurely. So if I have made a trade on EUR/USD with expiry time of 1 day, I will be able to Sell it before today end i.e. 23:59:59 GMT. The rate at which the trade is sold is displayed and keeps on changing according to the current state of the trade.
With all that information, let me reveal my strategy.
As I said before my strategy works on daily target of 10%. If you have more time, you can go for 20% and if you want to be more cautious, you can go for 5%. (Read my last sentence very carefully, I’ll come back to it later)
So here’s my strategy for Touch options.

Touch Options

Go to Start Betting -> Touch/No Touch tab

You can select the market and it will show you the Current spot of that market. Then you can input a barrier and duration for which you want to place a trade. 0 days means the trade will expire at the end of the day. (For Touch Options, 0 days is available only for Random Indices.) The payout refers to the total amount that you will receive along with the profit if you win the trade.
Once you hit the ”Get Bet Prices” button, you will get 2 trade options on the right. In the above example, in order to get a payout of 103$, you will have to buy the Touch bet at 52.62$ i.e. your trade investment. That means if Random Index 50 touches 796.8612 before the day end, you will make a net profit of 50.38$ i.e. 96% profit of your invested trade amount of 52.62$.
As you make the barrier closer to the current spot, the Return percentage for Touch option decreases. For No Touch options it goes over 1600%, but that is not important to us.

You can also see the trend graph at the bottom of the page. The blue line shows the selected barrier. You can select 1 hour, 6 hours, and 12 hours trend up to 365 days. The below graph shows the trend of last 6 hours. If you select the Interactive Charts option, you can also see the more interactive candlestick chart.

Now, looking at the above graph, even an infant can tell you that it will touch the barrier of 792 in not more than half an hour from now. So if you invest 100$ in the Touch option right now, you will make 3$ profit, absolutely risk free.

How to place and monitor your trade

Placing the trade in BetonMarkets is easy.
Once you have selected the market to trade on and the target barrier, just go to Start Betting –> Forex –> Touch/No Touch tab, select the market, input the barrier and duration (in our case, 1 day), select the Payout that you want from the trade (Investment + Profit) and click on “Get Bet Prices” button. You will get two options on the right – one for buying touch option and other for No Touch option. Click on “Buy This Bet” button of Touch option and that’s it.
Once you have made the trade, you can see it in your Portfolio.
You will see the Bet Details, your Purchase Price and the Current Market Price of your trade. Current Market Price is decided by the current state of your trade i.e. the time left and the closeness to the barrier amongst other factors.
Also, you can see the date and time at which the above trade was made i.e. Jul 30, 16.50 GMT in the above screenshot.
After about 2-3 minutes, a Sell button will be activated for your trade.
If you have made the trade of 1 day, the Sell button will remain active till the end of current day i.e. in above example, till Jul 30, 23:59:59 GMT. Note that the trade of 1 day made on Jul 30 will expire on Jul 31 at 23:59:59 GMT.
For our strategy, we will never have to use the Sell button, but it is just nice to know that we have the option of selling our trade prematurely.
Once your Touch trade is successful, you can see a Claim button in your Portfolio against your trade.
Also notice that the Current Price is the Payout that we had selected. Once you click on the Claim button, USD 100 will be added to the account, a profit of USD 5.24 RISK FREE.
Also, notice the time i.e. 18:54 GMT. So it took about 2 hours to reach the target barrier. Normally, these trades take about 2-3 hours to complete.
This is why I had said earlier that if you have more time, you can aim for a daily target of 20% as it will take 3-4 trades to earn 20% profit from such trades. Also, I had said that if you are more cautious, you can select just one perfect trade a day and earn 5-10% daily.